In this section you may download the certifications related to the Moris quality standards. You will also find certifications for the Italian and foreign product categories.
ISO 9001 – Quality Management Demonstrate our commitment to quality and customer focus. EAC is the certification that certifies the fulfillment of all the requirements to be able to place its products on the markets of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan; this certification is extremely important also for MORIS customers who wish to export their plants to those countries, as they can use the valid MORIS certification for the hydraulic component, thus reducing bureaucratic procedures, therefore costs, time and effort. The UE type examination certificate – IMQ certifies the compliance with the essential requirements stated by Directive 2014/33/UE. The EC type examination certificate – IMQ certifies the compliance with the essential requirements stated by Directive 95/16/EC. IMQ certifies KMI. EC and EU TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE for production following the former directive EC/16/95 TUV certifies HM-SV e HSV. EU TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE following Lift directive 95/16/CE and 2014/33/UE We report here below the CE TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE.
ITALCERT certifies the compliance with the essential requirements stated by of the machine directive 2006/42/CE: